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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!--AviSynth plugin description version 1.1--> <plugin name="VagueDenoiser"> <description /> <filters> <filter name="VagueDenoiser" category="Spatial Smoothers" helpfile="vaguedenoiser" type="clip"> <description>A simple denoiser that uses wavelets.</description> <colorspaces> <colorspace>yv12</colorspace> <colorspace>yuy2</colorspace> </colorspaces> <parameters> <parameter name="clip" type="clip" default="" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description /> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="threshold" type="float" default="0" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Filtering strength. The higher, the more filtered the clip will be. Hard thresholding can use a higher threshold than Soft thresholding before the clip looks overfiltered.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="method" type="int" default="3" max="3" min="-1" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>The filtering method that will be used. See helpfile.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="nsteps" type="int" default="4" max="8" min="1" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Number of times, the wavelet will decompose the picture. High values can be slower but results will be better. Suggested values are 3-6.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="chromaT" type="float" default="-1" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Set threshold value for Chroma filtering. It is slower but give better results If set < 0, then Chroma denoising will be disabled (default mode) If set = 0, then threshold is estimated automatically (adaptive)</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="debug" type="bool" default="false" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Deactivates the inverse transform and normalize coefficients for direct display.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="interlaced" type="bool" default="false" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Try to process separately fields clip.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="wavelet" type="int" default="1" max="3" min="1" step="1" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Select wavelet type: 1 - Cohen-Daubechies-Feauveau 9/7 - popular, probably the best 2 - Brislawn 10/10 (sharp, used as only in all previous versions from 0.23 to 0.29) 3 - Villasenor-Belzer-Liao 6/10 </description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="Wiener" type="bool" default="false" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Activates WienerChop two-pass denoising mode for strong denoising with high threshold (slow).</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="wratio" type="float" default="0.5" max="0" min="0" step="0" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Noise std deviation value for Wiener denoising as relative ratio to threshold value.</description> <items /> </parameter> <parameter name="percent" type="int" default="75" max="100" min="0" step="1" optional="True" paramList="False"> <description>Partial of full denoising (by blending denoised frame with source).</description> <items /> </parameter> </parameters> </filter> </filters> </plugin>